For Sale

For sale, investment land on the development road, new customs time $1.00/JD

  • Sq Ft:14735
  • Zoned for Residential
  • payment Cash

Amman, Jordan, 100th Street


Right next to New Madouna Amman Customs on 100th Street Land area: 14,735 m2 - two streets Close to Motor City Residential project under construction

Property Details

  • Price:1.00/ JD
  • Land area:14735 ft2
  • Available From:2018
  • City:
  • Owner:Elegance Real state


  • 14735 Sq Ft:
  • payment Cash
  • Mortgaged? No

Floor Plans

Size Basin Village District Part_number
14735 أبو علندا الشرقي (4) وادي العش جدول الأحياء 10409

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